About our Breeding

online translated *will be updated soon

The first degus moved in with me in 2000. It all started with a couple of agouti degus. I quickly realized that these animals are something very special and that the desire for other colors and spotting is growing ever greater.


Degu Zucht mit Homepage was originally founded in 2000 and was then known under the name Degu-Life. After many years of pure degu management without breeding, I have been actively involved again since 2014 and have renamed the page to Dein-Degu.


My degus are divided into different groups and currently only live in the living room. I think it is important to familiarize the animals with all kinds of noises and to be able to observe them on a daily basis. Why else do you have such funny pets if you never see them?



Breed standard

As things stand in 2020, there is still no established breed standard for degus in Germany or Europe.



The descent of the degus comes first for me. Especially with degus, a healthy and unrelated parentage is very important for further breeding. Over the years and the new colors, almost all degus in Germany / Europe and above have been related to one another to a certain extent. A pedigree is therefore relevant to avoid further inbreeding and to enable further outcrossing.



Degus that are used for breeding must be apparently healthy and free from infectious diseases and / or parasites. Degus with deformities such as misaligned teeth, tumors or other genetic abnormalities are excluded from breeding. In addition, animals that turn out to be particularly susceptible to disease are also taken out of breeding.



The character should be open-minded and friendly and open towards people and other degus. Aggressive or behavioral degus are excluded from breeding.


Desired appearance


Proportionally built, quite long, strong and muscular. Big but with no signs of obesity. The size should be age appropriate. The back has an even and smooth arch-shaped curve without dents and humps. The croup is wide.


The head should be proportional to the body. The muzzle is well-filled, broad and symmetrical. Strong, with a good distance between large, shining eyes. The bridge of the nose is curved, the nose not long, but not too short either. A beautiful round head with well-developed cheeks is desirable. The mouth lines are smooth in all projections.


Ears are medium to large in size, wide, without sharp curvature, with smooth edges. Arranged symmetrically on the top of the head and turned slightly forward. Dense, without folds or creases. eyes

Expressive, almond-shaped, large, shiny eyes, not too protruding.


The fur should be thick, firm and have a healthy sheen. The vibrissae are long and evenly distributed over the cheeks and eyes. They shouldn't be broken off or breakable. Belly and legs covered with lighter fur corresponding to the color of the fur, the rear feet have long bristles on the front. 


Color must match the specified color. Areas without pigment or single white hairs that are not stained are undesirable. A harmonious pattern is preferred.

Small white spots on black and black derivatives are currently acceptable. tail

The tail is  sparsely hairy,  thick at the base and tapers to a sharp point towards the tassel. Straight, no bulges or wrinkles. The longest tail with a long, fluffy tassel is preferred.


It cost me some time and money to put my current breeding groups together, but I am convinced that one should not charge utopian prices for degus. My prices are based on gender, color and color carrier properties. I do not ask for a protection contract or similar things that regulate the handling of my degus. I don't breed for commercial purposes, but purely for the joy of seeing the little Wusels running around and growing up. Therefore, guarantee, exchange or liability claims cannot be asserted.


I am happy to answer any kind of questions and will continue to support the owners of my degus in the future. Due to group changes, older animals can also be available or reserved in the future.



My first degus were two agouti "females" from the pet shop, at that time a degu was still something rare and the level of awareness was very low. After a few months I saw a lonely degu "female" in another pet shop, this should end up as a food animal because it could not be sold. Without further ado, I took it home with me. The socialization worked great and the new large cage could only be moved into a little later. As you might guess, the new degu was of course not a female, and neither were the previous two! So now I had 2 males and 1 female ... How did I know? Of course, the babies who suddenly lay in the nest ...


Of course, the second litter was not long in coming, as is well known, degus mate again immediately after birth. Some of the babies were newly placed, the others I kept and my degus were divided into two groups (males and females). Over the years the number naturally decreased until one day…. An advertisement from a breeder in Nuremberg with blue degus! ... Of course I had to have them and so my first two blue males moved to me. After there were two litters with agouti females, I only kept my blue males in the end. I brought a third one from Ludwigshafen back then. Ultimately, my last Blue Degu died at the end of 2013 and was almost 8 years old.


This was followed by the renaming from Degu-Life to Dein-Degu and a new start of breeding with the "new" colors of that time.

All texts and contents are subject to copyright, © dein-degu.de